Annuncio n° 02/2016
European Voluntary Service Association SALTES is an independent non-profit organization that gathers volunteers, makes international and local volunteering projects as well as youth initiatives. Goals: * introduce volunteering as an alternative way to improve and learn; * gain understanding; * encourage the informal learning skills; * organize volunteer training course; * provide young people with opportunities to develop; * accomplish their initiatives as well as join the existing ones integrate international; * foreign volunteers integration in Lithuania. European Voluntary Service Association SALTES is a nongovernmental organization founded by ex-EVS volunteers with a goal to strengthen and promote non-formal education and volunteering at national and international level. SALTES also seeks to provide young people (including those with fewer opportunities) an opportunity for self and professional development through active involvement in non-formal based activities. To reach our goal we work to disseminate and promote volunteering and non-formal education ideas, to unite volunteers, to create volunteering traditions in Lithuania, to exchange best practices of youth work internationally, to raise the quality of youth work in the field of volunteering, to promote cultural cooperation and develop socio-cultural competences. SALTES has rich experience (around 10 years) in implementing various training courses and youth exchanges, tackling especially the following issues: intercultural learning and creativity, inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, conflict management, quality of youth work, promotion and recognition of volunteering activities, raising the quality of work with local and international volunteers, cooperation between different sectors (NGO, business, public sectors). SALTES is a sending and coordinating organization of EVS volunteers. In numbers we can add that we organized over 20 Youth in Action Projects (youth Exchanges, training courses) and sent/hosted over 150 EVS volunteers. We need support in developing volunteering workshops, Organizing events, public relations visite the site: www.saltes.net
Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03